Chris Martens of HiFi+ reviews The APERIO


  • Reviews
  • Headphones
Warwick Acoustics APERIO Headphone System Beauty Shot 2

“The APERIO is the finest headphone I have ever heard”

The legendary Chris Martens of HiFi+ reviews Warwick Acoustics’ flagship headphone system – The APERIO and states that …

“The APERIO is the finest headphone system I have ever had in my home, and also the finest I have ever heard (including some that cost far more than the APERIO does)”

Chris also goes on to say that;

“I like to try to offer critical commentary where appropriate, but there really is nothing I can fault in the APERIO’s sonic performance……If you seek a highly capable and profoundly revealing music exploration tool, the APERIO is the system for you”

The full review can be read here

Warwick Acoustics

Warwick Acoustics