Munich High End 2024 Show Report from Headmania

Dan Gheorghe Show Report - Headmania

  • Events
  • Headphones
  • 2 min read
Warwick Acoustics SoundCabin at High End Munich 2024

I loved this room and the people from Warwick Acoustics

Report from Dan Gheorghe

I had great discussions with the team and a very interesting conversation with their Director of Marketing, Orazio Pollaci. The team was energetic and passionate about their work, and I love meeting and talking to such people.

Their room was very well put together, providing a quiet environment to properly test and listen to their products. I liked their Bravura headphones, but my thoughts remain with the Aperio. First of all, because of the awesome way they organized their room and auditions, I managed to have proper time to test the headphones in a quiet and relaxed environment where I could choose the music I wanted from their playlist.

I noticed that the more I listened to them, the better they sounded. Not sure why that was happening, but this is the feeling I got. The sound was incredibly transparent, fast, detailed, and ethereal, with good vocals and an open, holographic soundstage.

I am not sure why, but I think I did not discover the true potential of these headphones, as I believe they might have the capability for more punch, weight in the bass section, and a bit more warmth in the midrange. I think that pairing them with a Rockna Wavedream Signature might take these headphones to a different level. Definitely one of the most interesting experiences at the show. Orazio also told me of their plans for the automotive industry. I am trying to imagine that pure warwick electroctrostatic sound in a car and I think it will sound amazing. Not to say that I don’t know anyone who is trying to bring this type of tech into the automotive industry.

Full show report here.

Warwick Acoustics

Warwick Acoustics