Hear it anew
What happened when our engineering geniuses joined forces with a renowned audiophile?
Same excellence. Different listen. Leading audio expert, GoldenSound, has retuned our APERIO system to create a thrilling new version of the ultimate headphone experience.
The Experts &
The Connoisseur

Best Of British Engineering
Warwick Acoustics
Developers of the world’s most advanced headphone audio systems.

Best ear in the business
High-end audio expert, whose masterful reviews have earned him a large following among headphone enthusiasts.

Every Element Custom Tuned
No aspect of the APERIO’s tuning was off limits for our collaboration. Total control, zero compromises. This is what an audiophile’s dream sounds like.

More Lifelike Than Ever
With incredibly lifelike timbre, authoritative bass and an expansive soundstage, this unique collaboration delivers a new perspective on a flawless listening experience.